Canadian Responsible Gaming Council
By Luc Delany
Canadian Responsible Gaming Council
30 Apr 2014 - ISGA

Luc Delany, CEO of the International Social Games Association (ISGA) attended the Canandian Responsible Gaming Councils Discovery 2014 which aims to have the tough conversations about gambling and the wider effects it has.

Involved as both a pannellist and a speaker during, the debate on the role of regulation in the rapidly expanding social gaming world. Children have been playing online games since the 90s; in what way is “social gaming” a game changer? What are the risks, and is it time to stop looking at social gaming as simply child’s play?

Two Discovery sessions were organised to address Social Games.
During the first session Luc Delany provided an overview of the social gaming world as well as some of the issues around the different types of games. The second session titled, ‘Social Gaming: Time for Government Regulation?’ was organized as a debate in which experts discussed the question of whether social gaming should be regulated, and if so, how.
Worth noting were the audience polls taken before and after the various sessions. There was little change in opinion on whether further government regulation and concerns over social games. Importantly, polling on whether social games prepares children for gambling decreased. This is significant as it one of the key myths sorrounding social games that the ISGA is trying to dispel.

A recap of the Discovery 2014 can be found here

Photo Credit: Canadian Responsible Gaming Council